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Ceramics. Introduction to wheel Thrown pottery for production

  • Arc yinnar 19-23 Main Street Yinnar, VIC, 3869 Australia (map)

Ceramics Introduction to Wheel Thrown Pottery for production

(Night Class). Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm

Jan 30 to March 5th

This course is a 6 week introduction to wheel thrown pottery for production pottery in a community run studio.

There is an additional 7th week of glazing for firing for full paying and membership which will occur either on the 12th, 19th or 26th of February. 6pm to 9pm.

This course can be taken as a stand alone 1 term 7 week introduction course or can be undertaken as the first term of a 12 month course.

All the learning is self paced.

Tuition covers the following :-

-Understanding of  the community ceramics studio/workshop as a shared work and learning space

-Understanding of Safe work Practices & Occupational health and safety in the studio,

-Understanding of the history and properties of clay in pottery.

  • Understanding of the wedging process of clay

  • Understanding of  the pottery wheel, equipment and tools used in hand thrown and hand built pottery.

    - How to throw a form on the wheel (cup or bowl vessel)

  • Developing understanding and ability to throw a form on the wheel (cup or bowl vessel/)

  • Developing understanding of how to make a plate on the wheel

  • How to make and attach handles to cups

  • Understanding of how to trim work ready for bisque firing

  • Understanding of how to stack a bisque kiln for firing

  • Understanding of operations of kiln, temperature, measurement, volume.

  • Understanding of waxing and glazing

  • Instruction and understanding on how to stack a kiln for glaze firing.

    For those wishing to undertake a full year course there will be additional components to the learning in following terms 2, 3 & 4 including gas reduction firings, raku firings, hand building techniques, making glazes, glaze testing, glazing techniques and kiln studies.

    Fee $490

    $470 (members)

Limited 4 places available

Fees include

All tuition

1 x 10kg of clay

Bisque firing of suitably made work made during course

Glazes and glaze firing of one shelf of made items.

Use of tools-and machinery

Free Access to community studio during length of course to practice and hone skills (conditions apply and does not include participation in social ceramics classes)

On completion of course participants are eligible for joining social ceramics classes if available and hire use of the ceramics studio (conditions apply).

Subsidised Health care card/job seeker concession $175 limited 2 places available.

The course is supplemented by the Dept of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions to provide limited subsidised pre-accredited learning places in skills and employability for unemployed Jobseekers.

This is a 20 hour course inclusive of all of the above tuition of the first 6 weeks but where in the last 2 hour class glazing will observed and be done for you and there will be a review of possible pathways to further learning.

Also For those undertaking the Subsidised Health care card/ job seeker concession places they will be additionally involved in the following learning.

Understanding of individuals own employability skills and prior experience

Developing awareness of the employability skills embedded within the work/studio place as a place of work and how to  practice skills awareness

  • Understanding of  the community ceramics studio/workshop as a work and learning space

  • Understanding of Safe work Practices & Occupational healthy and safety in the studio,

  • Regular Review of all of employability skills and those embedded in the work and involvement in the studio

  • -self assessment of employability skills

January 30

Ceramics Introduction to wheel thrown Pottery for production

March 2

Printmaking for Business